Welcome to the Ingram Independent School District
Transfer students from Hunt Independent School District
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Frequently asked questions about transferring to Ingram ISD
2024-2025 Ingram ISD Student Transfers
Frequently asked questions about the transfer process
Is Ingram ISD accepting new out-of-district transfer students?
Yes, Ingram is accepting applications for the 2024-2025 school year.
How does the District prioritize transfer requests?
Transfer requests are prioritized in the following order:
1) Transfer students currently attending Ingram ISD
2) Siblings of current transfer students in good standing
3) Dependents of active duty military or peace officers
4) All others are reviewed on a first-come-first-serve basis.
What grades are open for out-of-district transfer students?
We accept applications for students entering grades Kindergarten through 12 based on the availability of
grade-level space and campus resources/personnel.
What is the out-of-district student transfer process?
Parents or guardians must complete an online application. Once the application is submitted along with other
required documentation, it will be reviewed to determine eligibility.
Who approves out-of-district transfers?
Transfer applications are approved, rejected, or revoked by the Principal or designee, provided that such action
is without regard to race, religion, color, sex, disability, national origin, or ancestral language. Campus
personnel does approve, deny, or revoke transfer applications. Campus administrators make a recommendation
for approval, denial, or revocation with the support of the Assistant Superintendent or designee of transfer
What are the criteria for approving student transfer applications?
Transfer decisions are based on the availability of space and instructional staff, the student’s disciplinary
history, the student’s attendance records, and the student’s academic records. The district shall review the
records of a student eligible for Section 504 accommodations or special education services on an individual
basis, considering the student’s individualized education program, availability of staff and space, and other
relevant factors.
How will I know when my application has been received or the status of my application?
Because of the number of transfer applications received, it is not feasible for the District to notify you upon
receipt of the application. However, every application is time and date-stamped and recorded upon receipt.
Response time may vary based on the volume.
When will I be notified about the transfer decision?
Parent/guardian will be notified in writing as soon as the application has been processed and a decision has been
made regarding approval or denial. If your application is approved, the campus will also be notified. When
registering your child at the new campus, you must bring a copy of the approval letter or email and complete a
transfer agreement upon enrollment.
What are the reasons for denying an out-of-district transfer?
● Incomplete applications
● The requested campus is full.
● Grade level is at maximum capacity based on staffing and resources.
● Documented pattern of poor attendance, late arrivals, early and/or late pick-ups requiring the supervision
of the child by school staff
● Repeated failure to abide by the rules specified in the Student Code of Conduct or the student commits a
disciplinary infraction that mandates removal to a DAEP or JJAEP
● Documented pattern of the failure of the parent/guardian or student to comply with District and campus
procedures or District policy
● Falsification of information
● Revocation of a previous transfer
● Continued enrollment at the campus would result in a fiscal burden to the district requiring additional
staff and/or facility space to provide services to the student
● Failure to meet with District or campus staff to review the application, upon request
● Other lawful reasons determined by the district
What happens if my out-of-district student transfer application is denied?
Your student will need to attend school in your home district. If Ingram ISD accepts transfer students the
following semester or school year, you may reapply at that time.
What are the expectations for out-of-district students?
All enrolled out-of-district students are required to:
● Pass all classes each semester
● Be held accountable for consequences for attendance or discipline infractions
● Maintain good attendance with no more than 10 absences/tardies (combined) within one year
● Provide their transportation to and from school. District-provided transportation is NOT available.
● We highly encourage students to be involved in campus activities (clubs, sports, UIL, etc).
If my student has a 504 plan or an Individualized Education Plan, is he/she eligible for a student
Yes, they are eligible for a student transfer. To best meet your student's needs, the application requires you to
submit a copy of your child’s most recent 504 plan or Individualized Education Plan and all other records
necessary to provide special education or related services to the child. District personnel may request a meeting
to discuss your child’s 504 plan or IEP to ensure program space and staff availability.
The District will make every effort to accommodate transfer requests but cannot guarantee placement in the
requested school or program.
Transportation for out-of-district students with special needs is the responsibility of the parent/guardian.
If I am a current Out-of-District student, can I remain in Ingram ISD next year?
Yes, but an application for a student transfer must be submitted each year. Transfers are approved yearly.
Transfer requests may be denied if not submitted by the due date. There are no automatic renewals.
May my child participate in sports or other extracurricular activities if they are approved for a transfer
to another high school?
Students are not guaranteed eligibility for any particular extracurricular program. Any student who plans to
participate in University Interscholastic League (UIL) events should check the rules set forth by the UIL
concerning eligibility requirements for transfer students. A copy of the Constitution and Contest Rules of the
University Interscholastic League is available for review online at www.uil.texas.edu or by contacting the UIL
Can an approved transfer be revoked during the school year?
Yes, the Superintendent or his designee, in consultation with the principal of your approved campus may revoke
a student transfer at any time per the District of Innovation (DOI) Plan. The revocation is effective for one
calendar year from the date of revocation.
The reasons to revoke the transfer include, but are not limited to: Over-crowded conditions, truancy, discipline
issues, excessive tardiness, early/late pickups, attendance issues, falsification of enrollment or application
information, failure of the parent or guardian to follow District or campus procedures, or District policy, failure
to enroll within 10 school days of the transfer approval, or removal from a program for which the transfer was
In cases where the campus exceeds its projected enrollment, some transfers may need to be revoked. In these
cases, the last students approved will be the first students to be moved or returned to their home campus. The
District may reconsider a student whose revocation was a direct result of building capacity concerns.
Is there a chance that one of my children could be approved for a transfer to the campus I requested and
the other one be denied a transfer?
Yes, transfer applications are approved on an individual basis depending on the availability of space and
resources on each campus and at each grade level.
Downloadable/Printable Transfer FAQ

Interested parents or guardians should apply now for consideration for January 2025 placement.
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